Business to Business Solutions Provider

Specializing in digital infrastructure for small to medium size businesses.

Unkl Support

More than just supplying products – we have been supporting our clients with in-person and confidential services. At any level within your organization we can engage to help find the right solution to information, organizational or technical problems. Be that our best recommendations or an “Unkl Solution”.

Too often a small business owner can feel disconnected and without a competent sounding board who has an eye on the big picture. An outsider perspective that knows your both your long term goals and your inner workings can be your best resource…especially when applied at the right time. We get that.

These supports and confidence are baked in for you.

Beyond Site - URL Services

Develop a complete URL strategy.

Give your visitors the resources they need to complete their journey within the 22nd century. Your website is not just a mirror of what you think your business is. It should be a customer’s window into your organization and be specially built with your next customer’s journey in mind.

Custom Applications

We can quickly build robust custom applications that run in the cloud.

Using the Software-as-a-Service model, we can quickly build apps that require no installations or updates on your devices. You just login and get going with a custom tool built for your specific needs. Besides the duebrew™ Brewery Platform, we are building custom apps for Telecommunications Contractors and, of course, our own tools. What’s next?

Application Stack Analysis

How is your digital infrastructure working for you?

Over time a company begins to have dependencies on a lot of different applications. Some employees use Excel and some use Google Sheets for example. Is your Point-Of-Sale system different than the payment gateway on your online store? Gain control of your proprietary information again. Let’s reset your information flow to work with less effort and time spent.


Craft Brewery Management Platform

Eliminate burdensome costs and increase efficiency. Starting from your raw materials, through production tracking all the way to optimized delivery routes. Traceability made easy! A true end-to-end automation platform for craft breweries.

Current Customers and Projects In Development Now…

Clifford Brewing Co.

Premiere Beta Brewery for duebrew™ and Client for Beyond Site – URL Services plus more from Unkl Solutions Inc.

Lodestone Properties Inc.

Unkl Solutions helped Lodestone by adjusting brand presentation, developed a marketing foundation and a URL strategy for their new digital presence.

Integrated Market Solutions

Custom application developed for managing field visits specifically with an eye for being compatible with an existing application for possible integration. Upcoming URL redesign scheduled for late fall 2024.

Office Not Open To Public

10 Dartnall Rd.
Hamilton, ON Canada L8W 3N1